Thread: 99% positive...
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Old 01-26-2011, 09:10 PM
grandma Janice
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Originally Posted by arimuse
It's not that this is a super modern bells and whistles site, its not that its easy to find things, or even navigate. The reason it works so well here is because we have a common passion. We all have multi dimentional lives, we come from diverse backgrounds, but we share 1 passion, we can come together on 1 point so well it shows us what we have in common, not what we have as differences. And, when we meet on 1 point we little by little see we are more alike than diffrent in many ways.
I wish the whole dang country quilted! They need to put home ec and shop back into high schools - that more than anything brings kids into the real world, shows then their commonality, lets them find their 1 point. (other then its us vs the adults! lol) sharet
I agree. bring back the home ec, and shop. and also teach kids where money comes from and how to balance a check book. I have been on this site almost two years and I wouldn't waste my time if it got to be negative. my trouble is I don't have the time I need to sit down and read everybody's input. But I read enough to learn lots, and enjoy the photos.
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