Thread: PO BOX
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Old 01-27-2011, 05:00 PM
martha jo
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 607

I would be willing to bet that if you put your name into Yahoo and someother site you would be surprised to see that everything about you and your family comes up. If you have utilities in your name or have ever applied for credit anywhere they have you. Sometimes their info is wrong but they list you and your family members and for money will reveal a lot more. I have had a P. O. Box for almost 30 years and yet they have me and my deceased husband. They also get info at the courthouse and tax office so if you own property, they have you. Check to see and let me know. I live in the country on a very rural road and the local entertainment is to pull your mailbox down. Can't see the box from the house so just a lot easier to go once or twice a week on the way somewhere else and pick it up. Now have to worry about government closing my one man post office. Our address use to be a rural route. When we got 911 addresses the info people showed that I moved. Wasn't getting mail at physical address for years. We have had out of town company want to come for a surprise visit and all they have to do is go ask the sheriff. You can't hide.
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