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Old 01-28-2011, 07:52 AM
Stogsdill's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Temple, Texas
Posts: 72

I don't know. I have seen a lot of Families become this way due to the economey.
When Movies come out in theater we wait till they are on DVD. After tickets for 2 and babysitter it is cheaper for us to buy the movie. Then a lot of times we will wait and find it at Pawn shops, or used Video/Game places. My husband loves movies our last count was something like 2000 dvds.
When growing up my Mom would sew my clothes. Use to frustrate me cause I would see something when window shopping and mom was always ready to say "I can make that."I am not as muck of a sewer as my mom however I love crafts. So when my Son sees something he hears it not only form me but from dad as well. My DH is a jack of all trades kind of Man I'll see something I like for the house or what not and he tells me "I can make that." Hearing it now is not so frustrating.
Originally Posted by bevysue57
This thread is fantastic. The newer generations could really learn from this. My grandparents, who went thru the depression taught me a lot and we need to pass this on so these tips are not forgotten. I do many of these things plus I also propagate my own plants, roses, bushes and trees for landscaping.
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