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Old 01-28-2011, 08:47 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Portland, OR via Hawaii
Posts: 1,342

My goodness you've been a busy beaver...all those WIP in a month! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Don't feel bad...I went to far as teling a LQS owner who got me started that I was going to finish one project before starting another. She gave me that "knowing LOOK" and a kind smile. I have since reminded her of that conversation and that I had the understood the look she gave me! HA!

I usually have multiple projects going on at the same time..
I work on 6 quilts for kids kits at the same time (they are basically all the same style) and while doing that will work on one of my own to send back to them. For every two of theirs I include one of my own. Now that I have a lot of the 4 patch blocks left over (3 blocks per kit - so 18 blocks left after 6 kits) I'm trying to create quilts that incorporate those blocks.
I'll never catch up with myself!

Welcome aboard the Ship of Quilters! :wink: :roll:
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