Old 01-29-2011, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Joanie2
So I've been reading all the responses to how we organize our books and magazines---the next questions is: Once you've put all those "I want to make" patterns in your notebooks, do you ever go back and make any of them? I have 3 notebooks now of patterns that I want to make someday. I go through them often when trying to decide what quilt I want to make but I always end up making the same patterns over and over again because they are the ones I am most comfortable with. What about you? Do you actually make those quilts or are they all part of your 'someday' collection? I think I'm just a collector of all things quilty.
At the moment I am making my version of the Baltimore Bliss BOM blocks free from FatCat patterns. I only have the last 6 so will do either a double up of the patterns or do some embroidery in alternate blocks. They are all 16 inches square.
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