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Old 01-29-2011, 06:31 AM
Poodle Paws
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Plumas Lake,Ca
Posts: 11

Questions are great that is how we all learn so I say ask away!! You should never be sorry for asking them!
Here is my 2 cents.. I bought a longarm machine this summer after much research on the topic. There are a few thing that you should keep in mind as you explore your options on this. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to quilt your own quilts or are you starting a business? Myself it is for a business. Do you want it to be computerized or free motion. I would assume if it is a business you want the computer.. And last but not least and I think this is the most important or all questions how willing are you to learn on your own. By this I mean everything from loading the quilt to trouble shooting the machine...
You can buy a Gammill this comes with everything including set up and training classes. After 4 days you will know everything there is about it. They are top of the line in my humble oponion BUT this comes with a huge price tag...
Your next option is to take a huge step down which is what I did and buy something like the Tin Lizzie with Shirley Stitcher. My machine will do everything the Gammill does for about half the price again there is a but..... My Lizzie came with nothing.. no set no training classes no nothing.. It also came from a local dealer that I don't think can even spell Lizzie let alone tell me how to fix it.. I had lots of problem getting up and running. My hubby is a very mechanical type of guy and it was rough for him.. I have managed to find chat rooms that have been helpful but most has been trial and error.. The best I can say is I now know my machine inside and out and am pretty confident there isn't much I can't fix. When I am done with a quilt it looks just as good as anything I have ever paid for on a Gammill. So I really do love my machine.
With anything you start that is new there is always a learning curve. Be prepared. Make sure you know what you are getting into. Make sure you know of a support system that can help answer questions. And most of all make sure you know it's going to take you time to learn this. I thought I would open the box set it up and just like that I was going to make quilt that looked just like what I was accustom to paying for.. Not so much. My first quilt well lets say it has a face only a mother could love. But 6 months in and mine are as good as anything I have paid for. With everything it will just take time. Sorry I have been so long winded but I sure hope I was able to help..
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