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Old 01-30-2011, 04:44 AM
Jo Belmont
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 794

Yep, I’ve cancelled all mine too. EXCEPT for one and it’s online. Actually, I’m pretty impressed with it. It is new, completely online and just loaded with usable and printable free patterns, full-size templates where applicable, etc. They’re about to release their second issue.

Here’s the best part: A one-year subscription (monthly – 12 issues, maybe 13) is only $14 or thereabouts. You can print what you want, save the entire magazine (PDF) to your computer and/or DVD, etc.

They also speak to quilters at all levels, in fact, showing a “key” to quickly determine the skills likely need to do each pattern. Mostly, I love that you will likely find at least one pattern per month that you like and it will have ended up only costing you a buck. If you find more than one . . . well, you get the idea.

I don’t have any connection to them, and share just because I think it’s such a good deal. Go to: (I don't know why the link didn't go active, but it's pretty easy to remember for just typing it in the address line.)
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