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Old 01-30-2011, 06:06 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 7,286

Originally Posted by traveling2dals
To DebraK- Let say i have 180 squares at 5 inches and 4 different colors to buy. I think thats 60x60. My own pattern, just blocks.
Well, 180 (total squares) divided by 4 (different colors) is 45 squares of each color.

For fabric that is 40-44 inches wide (selvage to selvage) that is 40 (inches) divided by 5 (inch squares) = 8 squares per 5 inch strip.

45 (total squares) divided by 8 (squares per strip) = 5.6 strips, lets say 6 strips.

Then 6 strips x 5 inches each = 30 inches. Add enough for straightening the edges and to be safe get 1 yard of each color.

Does that make sense to you? It's easy if you just sit down and think about each step.
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