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Old 01-30-2011, 07:15 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by luvngy
Yes the color combo is not pleasing to my eye. The quilt will have this over all pattern in the end.
Well, it's very pleasing to my eye.

But if I you want my 2 cents (which you didn't ask for), I would switch out that green fabric for a stronger, more solid one. It blends a bit too much into the patterned batik, and it's just not providng enough contrast.

See the green in the larger patterned piece in the NE quadrant....that's the kind of green I'm talking about. Which is the same color your sister picked out, but you just need to find a better match.

The 2 other fabrics are FABULOUS!
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