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Old 01-30-2011, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Lady-T
My nephew & his wife were expecting their first baby, due March 22
But 'Mom' developed severe preeclampsia and and had to be hospitalized.
Her conditioned worsened and Dr had to perform an emergency C-section.
Little Brynnlee Ava Moss entered this world weighing only 2 lbs 0.3oz and only 13 1/22" long
As my Mother would have said... "She's no bgger than a minute!" But she's Strong!
She is doing fantastic, breathing on her own, doesn't need to be in an incubator.
They do have her under a heat lamp to keep her warm, but Mom and baby are both doing fine.

Meet Miss Brynnlee and her Daddy....(you can hardly see her!)
(and the "lovey" I whipped up quick this afternoon)
they knew they were going to have a little girl
and so throughout the pregnancy when talking about the baby they called her "Bam" ... [her initials]
Oh so and quilt.
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