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Old 08-31-2007, 09:32 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 13

Truth about the whole thing is that once I learned to paint then in different mediums I developed this attitude as why not I can do anything I suspect. Well I've just started to learn portrait painting and the good lord has blessed me with a wonderful teacher. So we'll see how that goes. And believe it or not you most certainly can paint quilts. Quilt squares painted have been happening for some time now. I recently purchased brushes to help with this.
In Ohio at the convention for painters I just attended the girls who sponsor this event painted and raffled a wonderful quilt with a bird painted in each quilt block. It was absolutely gorgeous. Now when they call me as to being the winner of it I'll take a picture and show you.
They also quilted around each bird. Very pretty indeed.
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