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Old 12-15-2008, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Yvonne
I'll have a pot of beans on the stove this year so I won't have to worry about dinner! Isn't there some sort of superstition about having beans for good luck in the new year? Anyway, I learned a lot about my method of quilt making last January and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more this time! (and it's not always good!) :lol: But it is fun!!!!!!!
You are supposed to eat black eyed peas on January 1st and it will bring you good luck all year long. I was never clear as to why it is supposed to bring good luck. No one could ever explain that part. It's funny you should mention this tradition. I used to do it every year and I haven't in about ten years now. (Wow, where did the time go!?!) I picked up some black eyed peas a couple weeks ago just to make a pot for new year's day this year. Hubby hates black eyed peas and won't eat them so if we have a bad year, I'm blaming him. :lol:
Piece ~ Tiffany
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