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Old 02-01-2011, 02:57 AM
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There is only one time that I was denied a bolt board when I asked for it. Most places just automatically re-wrap my large quantities back on the bolt. I ask for the empties when we have 4-H projects. The kids wrap a scrap of batting around the bolt, then cover with their choice of fabric, then criss-cross ribbon around it to make a bulletin board, or picture holder. They're cute. I shared this idea with a large fabric warehouse where I occasionally stop when traveling. A couple of years later, when I stopped by, there where huge stacks of cardboard bolts with a Free-Take sign. When I checked out, the casher offered some of the boards, and told me about a lady who uses them for her scout group to make bulletin boards. (Further conversation revealed that I was the lady, but it was my 4-H'ers, not scouts.)

I do use them for fabric storage because I can lay the bolts on their sides, rather than standing on end, and get more bolts in less space. I can put the price on the end of the bolt, so the kids know what the fabric charge will be if they want to buy from me.

For short term storage, however, I prefer the folding bolts because I can cut them to reduce bulk, using only a single sheet of board. I leave the portion with the fabric description sometimes, if I think I may need to find the line again. What I like about the single sheets is that I can easily slide the cardboard out and make a single fold for shelving the fabric. When refold time comes, I can simply open the hole, shift the fabric 1/4 and let it fall flat, and fold in half the opposite direction. That does not address the center fold however. If I worried with refolding the center fold, I'd NEVER get any sewing done.

For the folks who want economy and go green - harvest the campaign signs after the next election. Usually all you need is a little sudsy swish in the bath tub to get them clean, let them sit there to drain, cut to size and you've done a favor for yourself and the community land fill. If you're timid about collecting the signs, just call the campaign headquarters - you'll get truck loads.
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