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Old 02-01-2011, 10:51 AM
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Eddie and Ophelia will both stand on their hind legs for treats. Eddie more than Ophelia. Sometimes she'll be like "I'm not coming over. You can't make me stand on my hind legs!" Usually when I try to give her a treat Eddie will try to get it himself...standing on his hind legs. They've both learned how to stick their paw into the bottle and grab a treat for themselves (luckily they haven't figured out how to open the bottle). I think Eddie learned it from Ophelia. First time I opened the bottle to see what they would do Ophelia reached in and got a treat by getting it between the pads on her paw (definatly the smarter one out of the two). Eddie tried sticking his face into the bottle and kept doing it, not realizing that he could only get his nose int he bottle.

The other day they were in my room and at some point they wanted to get out so they were trying to get the door opened. Ophelia was trying to get it opened when Eddie jumped on her and knocked her down (reminded me of when we had Skynard and he played with the neighbour's dogs). She looked so irritated with him. If cats could talk she probably would've said "You idiot! I'm trying to get us out!"
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