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Old 02-01-2011, 04:23 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 195

I used to use the fabric bolts to store my stash and then I read that the carboard has something in it that fades your fabric on the edges if you keep the fabric on them to long.
So I started to panic and checking and I had a few that on the edge it looked like they had been bleached from top to bottom. So that's when I started switching over to the plastic folding boards. When you have almost a whole bolt of fabric and it has white stripes down the width of the whole thing it is a bit dishearting. And it wasn't fading from sunlight.
So now the majority is on the boards. I must admit that they are a bit expensive but they cost alot less than ruined fabric.
kjym Kathy
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