Thread: Freecycle
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Old 02-01-2011, 04:52 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Central Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
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I just have to throw in my 2 cents. When I bought my house, I promised myself to finally get a dog. We adopted a huge dog, way before we were ready. I had no fence, no chain, not even any rope. In a panic I tried freecycle. I got a response right away. A couple Had replaced their deer fencing,(like chicken wire, but much bigger) and offered the deer fencing to me for free. We went and picked it up. I had my daughter and two friends come down, and we had a fence building party. Picture 5 people, who had no idea what they were doing, putting up a fence. We had enough to do the whole yard, and all I had to buy was poles! Truth be told, the dog could probably walk through the fence if he chose, but he knows where the food is, so he stays. Yay, Freecycle!
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