Thread: A WIP No More
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Old 12-19-2008, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by PatriceJ
Originally Posted by jacquemoe
Patrice, that's a beuatiful quilt. I can't believe you were able to quilt with fleece for the backing. I'm scared to death of trying to sew on fleece but I love fleece. It came out wonderful for you. Nice job!
thanks all for the compliments. i delivered it this morning and my friend likes it enough that she plans to "lock it up" when she isn't home so her real cats can't get to it. (but she did promise she was going to use it.) :-)

i was more than a bit worried before starting, but i knew if i could make it work it would save hours and hours of tying time. this is what i did:

1. spray basted AND pressed the two sprayed layers with a hot iron to really stick them together well.
2. walking foot
3. set machine to the longest possible stitch length (mostly so it would come out easily if i couldn't make it work. :lol: )
4. i set the machine in the lower right corner of my kitchen table, so i'd have lots of room to the left and back of the machine. i let the machine do all the work feeding the sandwich under the needle. i held my hands under the sandwich to keep it off the machine bed and reduce the "drag" as much as possible. the only work i let my hands do was to keep the sandwich headed in the right direction.
5. i worked from the center out. at each stage, i laid it flat again on the table and pressed again with the hot iron to reinforce the spray basting.
6. the lines are about 2.5: or 3" apart. i did the big "x"s first (through the points of the whole blocks) and then went back to run lines through the points of the quarter-block patches.

i did end up with enough puff on top to make me sweat, but none on the back. once i ran it through the washing machine in cold water, then chucked it into the dryer on delicate, enough of the puff disappeared that i didn't even need to press it. (whew!!! :lol: )

it's only a small lap. i don't know if i'd try it on anything bed-sized. (who am i kidding? i'd try it just to see what would happen. and probably regret the attempt. :lol: :lol: :lol: ) you mean that we're not supposed to have puff on the top? news to me!

it really is one great-looking quilt! if you'd like to practice on eliminating puffs, i'd be happy to send you my fabric to try out. then you can return it to me for a judgement call. hah!
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