Thread: Freecycle
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Old 02-02-2011, 05:52 PM
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Wow, you have got it made. Some cities and areas, and even condo developments, have regulations against this sort of thing. Home owners associations are pretty strict, too. When we lived within city limits, garbage day was a fun day because you could drive around and find all sort of treasures. I had a friend who was a Trash Picker and took things to the Flea Market on Saturday and sold them. I understand that is a new "job description" now the economy is so bad. Even our newspaper did a feature on those who find and sell items set out for trash. If you are finished with it, good way to get rid of it. But for those of us who cannot put things out, we can resort to Freecycle and hope those who respond will do so with a bit of courtesy. Have you noticed that younger people don't seem to have learned skills of courtesy?

So, however we do it - keeping things out of the landfill is what it is all about! Bravo for you and others like you. We are making a difference, one day at a time.

June in Cincinnati
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