Thread: batting
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Old 02-02-2011, 06:52 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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With polyester batting, it depends how often you wash it...
with frequent washing, the polyester gets a cobwebby texture. It is good for kids quilts that are not especially meant to last
Museums have examples of cotton textiles thousands of years old. soo...
But but the most important thing to consider is the thread.
100% cotton thread will last the longest.
Polyester is wonderful for projects that are for everyday use, like babybquilts, place mats, bags, table runners etc.
because it is flexible and strong.
Rayon will disintegrate after a number of years - depends on the use and climate.
MY advice, is never use invisible (clear) thread! because it oxidises = reacts with the air, and becomes brittle and breaks up in a few years.
I know, appliques? yes, if you iron them on with fusible backing, the fusible glue, will crisp up in a few years too.
So it depends on the purpose.
Plastic doesn't age as well as natural cotton.
I would never use invisible clear thread on a Baltimore Album or other heirloom quilt. Now, if you already have, those quilts are kept wrapped up and stored most of the time, which slows down the oxidation/ disintegration process a lot. probably years...
How do I know this?
I'm a retired museum director...and asked the Smithsonian textile curators.
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