Thread: rag quilt tips
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Old 09-02-2007, 07:42 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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I've made two of these (queen sized) and probably won't make another. I suggest you go with a larger block as when the top is finished and you have to cut. The smaller the block, the more cutting. Later, you will understand why I suggest a larger block. Mine were made of all flannel; cotton one side may help.

To cut, I tried several scissors: Wiss, orange-handle Fiskars, spring-loaded Fiskars, Ginghers and found that my Cutco kitchen shears worked best. I think it was the serrated edge. Regardless, there will be alot of cutting so be prepared for not only sore hands, possible blisters and use of a lot of precious time.

Then there is the washing. If possible, take to a public laundry to wash and dry. These are dirty quilts with lots and lots of lint. This lint is known to clog the drain, be careful. If drying at home, empty your lint filter often as it will be loaded. After one washing, I had to brush and brush to rid of lint and then back into the dryer to remove more lint. You will find lint on the sheets and blankets, floor, etc for a long time. -- Like I said, I'll not make another.

Don't want to be a wet blanket, just want you to know what you can expect. Incidentally, I used really good flannel which I thought would improve my chances of less "dirt" but to no avail.

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