Thread: Busted!
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Old 02-04-2011, 09:38 AM
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I am not married, I do own a largish stash...I buy without guilt nor do I have to justify my spending to anyone.....however I know that is not everyone. So if I owned a fabric store I would call it the the Grocery Store with fabric lines called. Quarta Milk+ whites and creams, Pounda Meat=browns and reds, Heada Lettuce= mixed greens, Baga Fruit=bright colors and well you get the picture. So the scenario goes like this
Wife comes in with several large bags of fabric and stows them away.
Husband "Where ya been?"
Wife "Oh the Grocery Store."
Husband "What cha get?"
Wife "Well a pounda meat, a Quarta Milk, a Heada Lettuce and a Baga Fruit.
Husband "Sounds great, what's for dinner?"
Wife "Oh honey we have both had such a busy day, let's go out to eat."
Can you see it???
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