Old 02-05-2011, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Eddie
22. Now, we need to stitch down the points in the middle of the block. But, we only want to do that for a point that is on the INNER portion of the row, NOT the OUTER portion. Remember, you still have to join this row to other rows and blocks, to those outer points need to remain loose until you do that. So this pic shows me taking down just one point on the end block.
Eddie, I'm making a Cathedral Window quilt using your instructions, and I'm wondering if it's really necessary to stitch down the points as describe in this step. What does it accomplish? (What would happen if it weren't done?)

FWIW, I've been playing with window sizes just for fun. At the moment, I'm working with 13 5/8" squares, which fold down to windows that are ~4 1/2 inches - large enough to frame fussy-cut "pictures." FUN!

If/when you publish a book on Cathedral Windows, I suggest you recommend chain-stitching the first few steps.

Thank you VERY much for your wonderful tutorial!
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