Old 02-06-2011, 11:49 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by maine ladybug
Jessica I was looking back at old postings and it said that she was mailing it out to you on January 21st. I know that was a few days late, but you should have gotten it by now. Have you contacted her?
I have PM'd the person in charge every time that this has occurred and was told to handle it myself. I have PM'd the person who is suppose to be sending them and I get numerous PMs saying they are going to send them but don't. I am really feeling frustrated with it because I don't get a chance to go look for fabric or to plan different ideas and I feel that if and when I do get a center that I am having to rush to get it done in order to send it on to the next person which isn't fair to the person whose center I am working on then. I would just like to get the centers in a timely manner like everyone else.

Thanks for listening to me vent,
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