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Old 02-07-2011, 03:54 PM
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thequilteddove's Avatar
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lol my hubby helps by

1. He built my nice sewing room.
2. He bought me a fantastic sewing machine.
3. He never complains about my buying fabric (even when I buy just because & have no plans for it & have 30 projects wtg to be done already).
4. He encouraged me to start my longarm quilting business.
5. He helps take care of the grand kids when the customer quilts are come'n in faster than I can quilt them.
6. He comes down to my studio every now and then to see if I 'need' anything :) And sometimes just to give me a hug lol

He just chuckles if I ask his opinion about anything and says what you ask'n me for, I'm color blind lol
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