Old 02-07-2011, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by kwendt
Originally Posted by vintagemotif
If you recall from all that note taking and reading of this thread, Purplefiend (Sharon) and I have Singers with solid wheels in treadles. Sharon has her Singer 237 (link to a 237 http://reocities.com/Heartland/estat...g_sing237.html) and I have my 201.

I got my idea to use my 201 this way from Sharon's posts. I would just try it out to see if it works. That is what I did. Best idea, that and Sharon's suggestion of dental floss to hold treadle belt instead of the staple. Thank you Sharon!
Humbly thanking you for the link, the info... I do have the dental floss thing in my book, honest. I'm not askin about the 201, I know you can do that. I saw your picture and that made me want to get a treadle 201!! Down here, that's gonna take a LONG while. But then I was looking at my poor old, non reverse 66-6, and thought... well.... until I find a 201, what if I found a treadle cabinet and put THAT in it? It's got a different handwheel. Wasn't sure it could be done, and what is the limiting factor? Spokes? That doesn't make sense. Belt race? or Belt race in a certain place?

Thanks to purplefiend and VM for giving me the heads up that an electric belt race will work for a treadle belt. Thanks guys. So now, if I happen to see a treadle cabinet, I might pick that up too. We'll see! Thanks!
Just remember that you only need one treadle. Look at Billy's set up.
Which is very clever and works for those with limited space. You can have a shelf with different machine heads and change machines as needed. So, they don't all have to be Singer machines to work. Way cool! have fun hunting!
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