Old 02-08-2011, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by cdcatlovers
Originally Posted by ljdugas31
Originally Posted by maine ladybug
Originally Posted by cdcatlovers
Originally Posted by maine ladybug
Jessica I was looking back at old postings and it said that she was mailing it out to you on January 21st. I know that was a few days late, but you should have gotten it by now. Have you contacted her?
I have PM'd the person in charge every time that this has occurred and was told to handle it myself. I have PM'd the person who is suppose to be sending them and I get numerous PMs saying they are going to send them but don't. I am really feeling frustrated with it because I don't get a chance to go look for fabric or to plan different ideas and I feel that if and when I do get a center that I am having to rush to get it done in order to send it on to the next person which isn't fair to the person whose center I am working on then. I would just like to get the centers in a timely manner like everyone else.

Thanks for listening to me vent,
It's okay to vent, we all do it sometimes. I just wish there was something I could do to help. I don't mind if you take the time you need when you do get the round robin. I'd rather have you enjoy the whole experience than get upset because you feel pressured to get it done by a certain date. I guess we should ask the others in our group how they feel about it.
If you need more time with mine ljdugas i am fine with that :-D
Thanks ladies but your missing the point here I shouldn't have to ask for more time I should get them on time just like everyone else.
Your right you should get them on time ,i was just saying i'm ok with you having more time on mine because of all this :-D
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