Old 02-08-2011, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by wildyard
hugggggs Sharon, great to hear from you.. My mystery quilt is the UFO of the month for February slated for finishing. LOL The only way I'm ever going to get past those dang apples.

@ followers of my thread: Fibro reared it's ugly head so sewing today was cut short and I'm having a close encounter with my heating pad. I got some things done, but didn't make it to the pressing stage. Hopefully will get back to it tomorrow.
This is one of the great things about quilting; it's always there waiting for you when you have to walk away for a while.

Hugs , sorry you had a slight set back. :( My mystery quilt will be there when I get the gumption (Sp) to get back to it... lol the Apples are applique` here but not sure I like mine either! Do take care of yourself.

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