Old 02-08-2011, 05:45 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 1,148

One more comment and I'll shut up. While we disagree as to what is boring and what isn't, I will defend you til I drop in that I see nothing wrong with posting a question and trying to understand something. I saw no criticism implied or otherwise. To me, your question was no different than asking why some ladies prefer to hand quilt when machine quilting is so much quicker.
Originally Posted by RST
>It's boring to just cut mindlessly and sew strips and recut and sew again. >

See, to my mind, it's tedious beyond belief to first cut out several hundred squares, then sit at the machine with a stack of 435 squares (or so) which need to be stitched together in particular order, then press those and sew some more, and get a block done, then kind of get tired of the whole thing, and set it aside in a cute little box with a nice label on it, and then, years later, go through a closet and find those hundreds of squares, but some are missing, inexplicably. . .

Oh, wait, am I the only one who's had that happen?

I think there are some aspects of quilting that are just going to be tedious (varies by person) and having the skill set to minimize the things that are barriers to completing the job at a level of competence that you can live with -- that is the key.

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