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Old 12-30-2008, 12:46 PM
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It sounds as if the quilting fairies have been listening to the wishes of my heart. I believe it's very possible I will be getting an embroidery machine in the next few days.

I've wanted one for several years, but too many things are in the way. It sounds like my FIL is sending me my late MIL's embroidery machine. I remember seeing it once, I helped her with something. Once it's here I'll take a pic of it and post it so I can post more specific questions...and I'll have to google the owner's manual.

I know that embroidery thread has to be used. And some type of software. FIL keeps talking about Chips that go in it.

Are there any basic rules of thumb that apply to all embroidery? Is there software out there so I can make quilt labels or do I have to try to do everything from scratch. I'm very intimidated. I have such a hard time with computers. When I got my sewing machine, I insisted on one that "couldn't think on it's own".

I know that there's a no magnet rule about computers. No food or drink is ever allowed outside of the dining room so I don't have to worry about knocking my coffee onto it. Do i have to use special fabric?

I just need help with the basics. Once I know what kind it is, I can get more specific....and I want to show you my new toy when it gets here!
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