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Old 02-10-2011, 06:14 AM
Joan Gaddis
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Originally Posted by feline fanatic
Sometimes I think we have been so conditioned on hand quilting stitches per inch and what they should look like. I myself have fallen into that trap, constantly trying to count my SPI yada yada yada. After handquilting 3 bedsize quilts and about 3/4 of the way done with my 4th I have finally come to the realization I quilt for myself and have decided that what I should shoot for is what looks good to me. I try to shoot for even stitches, that appear to have about the same distance of stitch showing as not showing and even in that I am not always consistent but I am happy with the result. Hand quilting does not look like MQ and we should not try for that. However i have seen some post here that they do a type of backstitch HQ stitch that does give the appearance of MQ. Again whatever makes the quilter happy and is pleasing to their eye is what matters in the long run. Unless we are striving to enter quilts into judged shows it should really only be what is pleasing to each individual. Judging goes by a much stricter criteria. That said, maybe a new trend could be started, much like MQ has now dominated the shows as opposed to HQ.

Regarding the preprinted wholecloth... I have never tried one myself. The marks are supposed to wash out but are highly susceptable to heat. So if the wholecloth was exposed to any sort of heat before you purchased it (like being in a tractor trailer or shipping container in hot weather where the inside of the container reached over a certain temp) the risk is there that the marks will not wash out. I think there are mixed stories out there for both scenarios. Those that have had the marks wash out no problem and those that could never get rid of them and did nothing while the top was in their possession to permanently set the marks, like ironing or leaving in a window where direct sunlight may have set them. I would like to try one some day but may just do as Andrea (Born to handquilt) and design and mark my own.
i agree with you on hand quilting. mine will never be as good as others but it is mine and it is ok!!
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