Old 02-10-2011, 10:56 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 7

Today I finaly found a video on You Tube from Alicias Attic and she did a video showing how to do diffrent shapes in mitered corners. And she shows how to flip it over and make the corners match! YEA! I was so excited I called her shop and told her how excited I was about watching her video! I told her about all the videos I have been watching and that none of them show how to make the corners match up on the back side. She was amazed to find that out and to hear how her video help me! Thank you all for your helpful suggestions.
I have three quilt tops done and I wanted to make the binding right so they would look nice. And I just did a sample of a binding like she did in the video and I did it! YEA! :)
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