Old 09-05-2007, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by kathy
Miranda, have you tried chanting? seance? sledge hammer? Don't go that far! Try totally unthreading it top and bottom, clean all down in there (vacuum is best, canned air second best) oil as directed then try rethreading. I'm sure this is a silly question but you are using good thread right? No cheap stuff?
Can't OIL it...says do not oil bobbin shuttle..no holes anywhere...the only thing the manual says about oiling is do not oil bobbin shuttle.
I can't even remember WHAT thread I was using now. I am pretty sure it was a poly/blend. I'm definately going 100% cotton, BUT I don't know what to do bc all the embroidery thread is poly or rayon or whatever. Maybe just use it for embroidery and go all cotton on sewing/quilting.
"canned air" sounds great, but I'm ready for a can o' whoop-a$$ right now. As for the vacuum, it sucks.

Even if all the stuff is OK internally, it bugs me that it hasn't been taking its gas! (foot pedal isn't working right).

Maybe if i gripe enough it will help?

UPDATE: I'm back from WM. They told me no. I've had it for over 90 days. They won't take it back. I said I wasn't takin no for an answer. She didn't even say it with sympathy or a smile or wasn't even nice. That's ok, I'll try it again without the receipt. I feel deflated. :( :(
Machine is still in the car. I don't want to bring it back inside right now. I'm still mad at it.

I'm gonna call the repair man that lives in Summersville (45 mins)...where I just was to WM. I know brother won't cover him because he doesn't have the right papers on his wall. I don't care. After all the good things I've said about Brother... :evil:

Everything I get tears up! I hope my NEW CAR doesn't start up like the Durango did. I'm waiting on the Kitchen Aid to lay down since I've got wedding cake coming up in OCT. I think my digital camera is going or the big, expensive CF card, anyway....my washer died a week or so ago...If it doesn't tear up, my son tears it up. He busted one of my big cabinet doors this morning right at the hinges by shoving on it backward! That would cost $90, but I'm not replacing it. I will glue it, and he can buy me a new one when he gets a job! (kidding, but I am only going to glue it some...no need to buy a new one until he gets bigger).
I let in 2 sheep before I could get the second gate shut back this evening. Had my FIL help me. I knew they'd eat my tomatoes, and they are just getting ripe! I got my tomatoes out early.
They were patching the road I took to get to the highway....and OF COURSE! the asphault stuff was still nice and wet and flew up all over the car. I tried going slow. I was going 5 mph! to prevent it from flying up allover...I could still hear it pinging. I haven't looked to see how much is on the fenders and stuff.
Dummy new cashier person at WM tried to make me take out 2 carts after he bagged my stuff and tried to charge me per pound on a bag of on sale bananas. I told him I wasn't paying that for the bananas bc that wasn't the right price he rang up (he was sorry :roll: ) and I wasn't taking two carts, that it was all going in one like I had it (he just stood there with his mouth hanging open).

well, going to call the sewing machine man. I have to be nice. He's an old man. I hope he still works on them.

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