Old 02-11-2011, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Glenn
All you featherweight people, I got a featherweight for nothing it works fine except I need bobbins. Where to you recomend I get some? Glenn
You lucky dog you! Geeze, I have never heard of someone getting a FW for free -- it must have been a loving admirer who gave you that machine!

I had a FW maintenance/cleaning class along with serveral of my friends today -- what a hoot! One of the ladies in the class pulled a mound of lint and thread out of her FW -- she uses it a lot! If it had been a modern machine, it would have been ruined or she'd be putting a bunch of money into the machine to get it fixed (like I need to do with my fancy embroidery machine). No, it sewed perfect even with all the gunk in and around the bobbin and feed dogs! The gal that taught our class, Linda Cover, has been using and collecting FW's since she was a small child. She said she has never found a ruined motor on a FW -- even when people think they are ruined, they are not ruined.

Love those little machines! Oh and there was one gal in the class who brought a 301 since it is similar to the FW. I didn't realize they take the same bobbins and are so similar!

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