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Old 02-11-2011, 11:38 PM
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Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday Kathy. I'm sorry your light box didn't arrive in time, but at least its on its way.

I am so pleased some of you think my pics will help you try a needleturn version of AOTH. Re basting, I did bast all my snowflakes in my avatar, (which took almost as long as needleturning them), but I wouldn't with the small pieces in AOTH.

I use a pin (put in from the back to stop your thread from catching on it). I have on occasion used two or three drops of Elmers school glue to baste instead of a pin, but it really is only two or thee drops, because I still feel strongly that everything should be trimmed away from the back as much as possible.

I think it was the second block I made that would have had 7 layers of fabric on it in the middle if I hadn't trimmed from the back. Can you imagine how stiff that would be if you had used fusible to stick all the layers, without just using it just round the edges?
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