Thread: Sleeves or Tabs
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Old 01-06-2009, 11:25 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 212

When I make sleeves I cut a piece of fabric (either the same as the backing or contrast - whatever I have the most of or look I want) that's 6" wide by the width of the wall hanging. Then cut it in half & hem the short ends of both pieces. Fold in half along the long side. This gives you two pieces that are 3" wide and slightly shorter than the quilt back. Position these strips so the hemmed edge is about a 1/2 " from the edge (there will be a space in the middle). Sew that along the same seam as the binding was sewn (be careful at the corners that you don't catch the mitre ). After the binding is hand stitched down (as usual), take the folded long edge of the sleeve and press the top part back about 1/4" then stitch down. This will give a space for a slat to go into the sleeve. Get a slat and put one of those multi-position things used to hang pictures and nail it to the slat. This will give you a few different hanging positions to get it hanging straight. You can do the same for the bottom with just a continuous sleeve and slip a slat in that, too if you want to weight it down a bit. I've not had any problems with this method and it really is easier than reading what I wrote . :wink:
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