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Old 02-14-2011, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by DogHouseMom
OK. I was out of diet coke so I went up to the local quickie mart to get some, and might as well fill up with gas as long as I'm there, and oh look - there's a girl selling girl scout cookies on the spot. While filling gas I'm listening to a book on tape and it's at a really good part so I decide to ride around a bit more to listen to the end of the chapter and my car just automatically drove to the LQS - well might as well stop in just to say hi and see what's new.

Look what 'fell' into my basket.

1 yard each of the three batiks in the upper left. The two in the upper right are 1 + yard "finish the bolt 15% off", four along the middle are 4 different fat quarters (2 of each fabric), and this is the first panel I've ever bought it my life but it was only 2/3 yard and it screamed "thread paint me!!" which I've always wanted to try so this is a perfect practice piece.

Not shown is a pattern for a jacket I bought that they had on display.

Forgive the lens cap :)

And yes, I bought some GS cookies too. 2 boxes of tagalongs that I won't share with my husband :)

That should outstanding!
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