Old 02-15-2011, 02:39 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 7,286

Originally Posted by k3n
Don't know if I'm Queen of anything BTW - that's ol' big mouth Gaigai spreading THAT rumour! :lol:) Anyway I DO love these and have made a few and am happy to share what I've learned along the way.
Hey now, no need to be mean, I resemble that remark!! And you ARE!!!

I had two whole bolts of that fabric, but gave most if it away, and when I went to cut out my strips last night I discovered I didn't have enough from one source. Since the repeat was only 12 inches, I decided to cut 24 inch sections, but only had enough for 4 before moving to a different batch. And guess what, it is printed differently on the fabric!! I've tried to match it up, but I guess I'll have to cut the strips and hexs before I can tell if it works. Sigh.
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