Thread: A "Nattyism"
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Old 02-15-2011, 02:56 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
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when my son was about 2, he would point at any cat and say 'deeka-dock'. he had 2 deeka-docks at home so he knew what they were. one day when he got out of the car and peeped into the empty garbage can and told me deeka-dock. i could see our cats through the window, so i knew there was no cat in the can. he insisted, so i looked. curled up in the bottom, either sleeping or playing possum, was a baby possum. well, i figured wherever there's a lonely baby there's an anxious mommy. with sharp teeth. i carefully laid the can on it's side, scooped up my son and hightailed it inside the house with my son yelling deeka-dock all the way. we watched through the window, and sure enough, in a short time, here comes mommy, sniffing around the baby and pushing at it with her paw. finally baby woke up enough to follow mommy out of the can and run along the side of the house into the trees. never figured out how it got there. we still call cats deeka-docks around here.
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