Thread: A "Nattyism"
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Old 02-16-2011, 01:48 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Deep South
Posts: 105

I am sooooo enjoying this post! Brings back so many memories!

DH was helping get our children ready for bed one night, and while giving our DS a bath, saving the private parts until last. DS announced "you didn't wash my pnuts". He also used to call Monkeys.......mump-mees. We still call them that today.

Our DD called her tricycle a "bi-kackle", and chocolate milk was "ch-lock-la-milk.

Our grandson called a motorcycle a "myrtle-cycle", and butterscotch was "scutterbotch".

We now have great grandchildren, and it has been so fun collecting memories through all these years of having children to love. Time passes much too quickly.
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