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Old 02-16-2011, 02:38 AM
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Today I was at my sewing group and one of the ladies there showed me a pair of scissors she had. I will try to describe them. She said they are for grabbing a thread so you can rip it out.
Anyways the have really short blades, maybe 2 inches or so and on one of the blades, there is a half oval gouge out of it and it has a little point which you would put in between threads and then move it to the little gouge to rip out a thread. Im sure that what I just wrote doesn't make any sense but if you have ever seen them you would know what I am talking about. So if you know where I can get some I would appreciate it or even if you know the name of them that would be great. This lady hadn't a clue what they were called, but she had gotten them out of some sewing stuff she had gotten at a yard sale a couple of years ago. :) They were so cool. lol
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