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Old 02-16-2011, 01:18 PM
Lori S
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by Corry
Originally Posted by Lori S
Press only the seam. And press do not iron. Do be careful of the weight of the top stretching as you are going. Put something under the top to help support the weight.
Did you use lenght wise grain of the fabric for your border? Using lenghtwise cut can really eliminate the stretch that comes from cross grain. Batiks do not stretch much on the cross grain as they are so tighly woven.
I cut my borders across the grain because it has a horse design in it that is shown that way. Another words to have the horses going along the length of the border i had to cut the fabric across the grain. I tried to be very careful not to stretch it or handle it much.
I understand you are pretty nervious after your last boarder that stretched. You may want to consider putting in a line of stay stitching around the perimeter of the boarder. ... but make sure you use a small stitch ( about 2.0 not bigger than 2.5) and.. do not let it hang as it feeds through the machine . Do this just under 1/4 inch from the edge. This can really help those cross grains to remember where they belong.
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