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Old 02-17-2011, 04:27 AM
Yarn or Fabric
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Thanks guys. I do self publish my patterns right now - and sell them on my business site - this one included. He is really cool frog.

He's not one of the patterns for my book - I actually have been juggling 3 different book ideas. Yesterday I was working on one and it's done enough to be photographed - a ninja. I still need to finish up his accessories - his sword and throwing stars.

The book I really want to push forward with first I haven't worked on in a bit. I need to get back to that one and soon.

Yesterday I didn't start off working on a design for a book. It just happened lol. I was working on a platypus and didn't have the right color yarn for his beak and the dog was laying on my lap so I grabbed a color - black - so I sketched my ninja and started to crochet.... I do need to get back to my platypus today though... I need a new design for 3/1. I try to put out 2 new designs a month - one on the 1st and one on the 15th.. Sooo the ninja happened because I didn't want the dog to get off my lap and me go get new yarn... lazy me - but it worked out in the end. I'm going to start up on my platypus first thing this morning :D

I have 2 more frogs in the works. They are pretty much done although I need to type up the patterns and get them tested. I'm not sure when I'm going to release them though. I am trying to get a few designs on the shelf ready so that when I am short on a design, I'll be able to grab one and go. :D
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