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Old 02-17-2011, 08:06 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: seemingly in the land of infants & toddlers!
Posts: 572

:oops: :( Sorry ladies that I'm a little late w/my update ---- pending circumstances, believe me!
I think you all know I have in-home daycare. My kids are all part-time, & only overlap a day or three a week. Two families have regular schedules (ages 10 mo & 2; 1yr,5 & 6yrs), one family is ALL over the place w/their schedule (3 & 7), & I'm backup for 2 other families (almost 2; 15 mo & 3). I provide school drop-off & pick up for the 5,6 & 7 yr olds, (plus for my own grandsons occasionally:) Most of the time it works smoothly & I have enough carseats/seatbelts for everyone! :lol: :lol: :thumbup: BUT, occasionally it doesn't & my dear sweet mother comes over to sit w/a few so I can do the running. :thumbup: :!: My DH also has rotating days off, so when I'm lucky he is here as well, which helps! Funny, but the way it helps the most is that he sees first hand how hard I work & understands why I'm pooped at the end of a day! ;-) :!: Lord knows there were plenty of days when our own were little that I'd have loved it if he were a fly on the see what REALLY happens while he's at work! :lol:
Anyway...these past two weeks the 10 mo old & the 1yr old have both been teething, the 5 yr old has a sinus infection & yesterday the 1 yr old came down w/a royal cold - complete w/cough to the point know what comes next :!:
I just now got online after a day like no other, w/5 kids allday (including 3 sick/teething ones), an art show (DGS was chosen for a special county wide exhibit at our local art league - Yea! Jacob :!: :thumbup: :thumbup: ) , & a 2hr praise team practice at church. I don't know if I'm too tired to function or too wired to sleep!
Our two DGSs (7 & 8) spent the night Wed - which meant 2 more for drop off/pick up :!: :roll: & the next day after school while Dad worked & Mom was at the hospital w/her mom while her step-father had surgery. A 16 hr one that started 4 hrs late. Our DGSs play very well w/the 5 & 6 yr olds, but they are all boys --- & my house is like a playground at recess...w/the kids on testosterone-laced fruit snacks!

I'm doing the Boomerang Swap 4.0 & 4 other swaps w/another forum, so have tried to sew in the evenings to get done - but have to admit not much sewing has happened this week! I'm so glad I'm ahead on the RR!! That turned out to be a blessing in disguise, for sure :!: :thumbup:
Tomorrow I have 0 kids! But I'm taking the van in - it's making a nasty clunk-ing sound in the rear (please pray it's something that's still under warranty!) & volunteer at the elementary where the DGSs go, in the afternoon.

I love the QB & the other forum I'm on -- but lately I've only read posts & offered a little line here & there. Just no time to do more. I tell myself 'tomorrow', but then 4 days later I realize tomorrow passed a few days ago! :roll: :?
Sorry I rambled...that's what happens when I finally get some time! :roll: I won't ramble again for a long time, I'm sure I bent everyones' ear plenty long enough :!: ;-)
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Mine has officially begun! -as of NOW! :thumbup:
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