Thread: Joke
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Old 02-17-2011, 08:55 PM
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A grandmother was waiting for her grand daughter to come down stairs before she went out. The grand daughter came bounding down the stairs dressed in clothing grandma didnot exactly approve of. The grand daughter said to the grandmother that she was old fashion, and that all the girls showed their rose buds off and out the door the grand daughter went.
The next day the grand daughter was hurring around getting things done because she was expecting company. She told grandmother she should go up and change before the company came. Shortly before they were due to arrive, the grand daughter came into the kitchen and there was her grandmother sitting without a stick of clothing on. The grand daughter gasped and ask her what she was doing. The grandmother without missing a beat said, Well if it's all the fashion for youto show your rose buds, then why can't I show off my hanging baskets?

I giggled till it hurt. and when ever I think of hanging baskets I get a smile on my face :-)
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