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Old 02-18-2011, 07:37 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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I am Gramma, or at least I was until my gs started learning to read at 2.5. He was reading a card I sent him and signed, and he didn't know who I was by the name Gramma, until his mother told him (he had seen the word "grandma" in a story before). When I next talked to him on the phone, he told me "gramma, you don't know how to spell your name. I said, "of course I do". But gramma, you spell it wrong on the cards you send us. It should be g-r-a-n-d-m-a!
So....that's how I have to sign my name now...but it makes me feel older...sigh...

Oh, and the grandkids call my dh - "Grumpy". He's never been questioned about that - lol!
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