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Old 09-08-2007, 06:23 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Pine Grove, California
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Don't give up on the guild. As others have pointed out, they offer lots of instruction and years of quilting experience. Do, though, look around for a friend with whom you share common ideas. If you make just one good quilting friend, it's worth the effort. Plus, all the oldies but goldies there, might just learn a thing or two from you! (and in the meantime, stay online, the ladies and gentlemen here at this board are so supportive---I'm a newby, too, and they have always taken the time to answer my questions that I know have been asked a thousand times already)

I do have to share, though, that in addition to quilting I'm a doll collector and have collected for golly at least 30 years and belong to our local doll club. Like quilts, there are lots of doll types and lots of doll interests. But, unlike these guilds I keep hearing about, everyone in our club respects each other's interests whether it be flea market finds or expensive antique dolls. I think it makes the group truly unique and a wonderful place to be. I hope to find a quilt guild like that!
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