Old 02-19-2011, 07:03 AM
Jackie D
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Williams In.
Posts: 192

I started my own business a couple of years ago, selling quilts, purses, and other quilted items. I did pretty good, I made enough to cover the cost of the materials that went into the items, but did not make very much for the time I spent making the items. I was lucky if I made $3.oo an hour
I did sell one of my quilts, please dont laugh but it was the hardest thing Ive ever done. I have made quilts for all my family and friends and giving them away never bothered me, but that really did. I felt like I was selling one of my kids.
I closed my business at the end of that year. I did not lose money, but I did not make any either.
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