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Old 02-20-2011, 08:51 AM
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Location: Springfield,Or.
Posts: 491

Originally Posted by chamby
Well ladies this morning I was working hard on the king size rag quilt that my son hired me to complete for a friends birthday. I was sewing very nicely on a long row thinking I was doing well. Well to my surprise when I reached the end to snip the thread. There was no bobbin thread. I had been sewing almost the entire row without the bobbin thread without noticing. All pins were gone and rows not sewn together. What a bummer. I had to re-pin almost the entire row and start over. I sure wish I had a red light or something to warn me of the empty bobbin. So I just stopped went to Hancock for sewing machine oil and thread. Then back home to clean machine and fill the bobbin to begin again.

I guess I'm lucky I have a baby lock thats tells when the bobbin is low and shuts the michine down until you put a fresh one in.No longer running with-out bobbin for miles.
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