Old 02-20-2011, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by marcias
Originally Posted by hoppyfrog
OMG, I'm obsessed and it's all your fault ;-) I'm up to 104 finished blocks and I still have charm squares waiting. I've been snowed in for three days now with more coming tonight. As long as I have power I'll sew my little fingers to the bone, yah.
Thanks for getting me motivated again.
Shelley, you go girl! Wow..104 finished with more to come. Where's the pic? When you have the time in between blocks, pls.

Well that was before last night. I made a dozen more. I can't stop.....they're too much fun. I don't have any idea how I'm going to use them but I'll probably mix them with blocks from several swaps I've done and use them as charity quilts. They'll be very very colorful.
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