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Old 02-20-2011, 12:00 PM
fabricmaniac's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: now live in Chandler, AZ, but a Boston native
Posts: 87

My husband is very understanding of my obsession, because he has three! Golf, watercolor painting and his Macintosh!! He spends plenty of time and $$$$ on all three, but is totally supportive of my habit. In fact, he built me my huge cutting table on wheels, which folds down to just 20" x 44" and HIGH because I am tall! Also, built me a wonderful light box; designed and built all the racks for my guild's quilt show last year (with one other man helping out) and THEN... made a DVD of all the quilts in the show - #102 to music!! So I can't complain, but he still can't find the hamper or the dishwasher!!! And unless it can be cooked in the microwave, no luck there! ;>) ;>)
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